Wednesday, January 30, 2019

"That Man Welcomes Sinners"

For the last number of years I have marveled at the fact that "sinners" flocked to Jesus.

These people ranged from the folks who didn't measure up to the pharisaical standards of ceremonial purity to those who were in clear violation of God's expectations.

I pondered the question, "Why did the sinners of Jesus' day come to Him when most sinners of our day wouldn't think of crossing the threshold of one of our churches?"

The answer actually was staring me in the face in the Pharisees' accusation, "This man welcomes sinners and eat with them" (Luke 15:2).

Jesus welcomed sinners into His space, His presence, and shared fellowship with them by eating with them.

That's why sinners flocked to Him. His love for them drew them in.

And He didn't lead with the law with these folks on the fringes. Condemning them would only drive them further from Him.

Jesus' love drew the sinners to Him, and the closer they got, the more Jesus expected of them.

As He had taught, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded" (Luke 12:48b).

That's why Jesus was harder on the Pharisees. They had been given much and were misusing what they had been given. The same couldn't be said of the sinners.

On Friday afternoons I spend time with folks that would be considered sinners. They are prostitutes and addicts, some recovering, some still active in "the life."

I attend their support group meeting designed for those who are looking to get out of or stay out of "the life."

We have lunch and talk about the problems we face. Even though we have different experiences, we all have problems. We are all sinners looking for grace and guidance.

These folks have welcomed me because I welcome them and eat with them.

They are grateful that I bring our church's Comfort Dog, Gabriel, to spend time with them, but my presence is valued by them as well.

What I have learned is that if we want the church to be a safe haven for sinners, we need to be like Jesus.

We need to welcome sinners and eat with them, the way Jesus has welcomed us.

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