Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A 3D Mission

I recently finished a sermon series at the church I serve entitled "Messiah's 3D Mission."

A few years ago our congregation had developed a mission statement that could be boiled down to this: Embrace our neighbors with Jesus' unconditional love.

Let's let Jesus define "neighbor" for us.

When asked, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus responded with the story of the Good Samaritan.

He concluded that story with a question: Which character in the story acted like a neighbor to the injured man?

That's a completely different question than the one He was asked.

"Who is my neighbor?" wants to categorize people so that I can figure who I will and will not love.

Jesus turns the question on its head and puts the responsibility on me to be a loving neighbor.

That's the mission part of "3D Mission."

Now come the three D's.
  • Daily
  • Doggedly
  • Daringly
Daily means that mission is not an occasional activity.

Each morning is to begin with the conscious awareness that I am part of Jesus' mission.

I may not know what my opportunity will be today, but my eyes are open to the possibilities to embrace my neighbors with Jesus' unconditional love.

Doggedly means that mission is all-consuming.

Like the entrepreneur on "Shark Tank" who sacrifices all to make his or her business "the next big thing," I am to be single-minded in my determination to embrace my neighbors with Jesus' unconditional love.

(Some times I even do this with a dog at my side!)

Daringly means that mission includes taking risks and not fearing failure.

The youth David went against the warrior Goliath with only a sling and a smooth stone.

Oh, and the assurance that the Lord God was with him.

I may not know if the outcome will be ridicule or rejection, but I am to dare to embrace my neighbors with Jesus' unconditional love.

That's our congregation's 3D Mission.

Every follower of Jesus is a part of His mission.

You might not phrase it the same way, but the mission is always the same: Love your neighbor as yourself, which is the second greatest commandment.

And keep in mind the greatest commandment, love the Lord your God with all you've got.

If that's the goal that you daily, doggedly and daringly pursue, you won't have to find Jesus' mission.

It will find you.