Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Water in the Name of Jesus

“I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.”

According to Matthew 25:35, that’s what Jesus will say to the righteous gathered before Him on the Last Day.

Well, if Jesus commends giving water to the thirsty, that’s good enough for me.

That’s why our congregation, Messiah Lutheran, Houston, TX, has cases of bottled water with our church’s name and website address on the label, to give out to folks who are thirsty.

Our Congregation President, John, and I did just that at the May 4th Golf Tournament hosted by my local Kiwanis Club.

He and I spent time with about 90 golfers from across the Houston area and gave out free water at the Messiah tent at the first hole.

After the event, John and I decided to give out the remaining water bottles the next day at Memorial Park.

We found ourselves a shady spot alongside the running path and in a matter of 45 minutes we gave out 80+ bottles of water.

One fellow that we met had finished his run and sat down to enjoy the water and the shade. He took note of the Messiah name on the label and asked us about our church and its location.

One woman, when offered a bottle, replied, “What’s the catch?” John assured her that, much to her surprise, there was no catch at all.

That simple gift of water put smiles on lots of faces on a warm Friday afternoon.

An Easy Thing to Do
Approaching a stranger with the words “Let me tell you about Jesus” is very intimidating, let me assure you. It’s so intimidating that I don’t do it. Ever.

But to ask a stranger who’s walking or running past you, “Would you like some water?” is an easy thing to do.

When Jesus commends the righteous in Matthew 25, He doesn’t say, “You preached the Gospel,” or, “You knocked on strangers' doors.”

He says, “You fed, you gave water, you clothed, you cared, you visited.”

Those are all easy things to do. Every one of us, no matter our age, is capable of offering such Christ-like care.

And when you offer the food, the water, the clothing, or the care, and are asked, “What’s the catch?” you can respond that there is no catch, that you are simply doing what Jesus taught you to do.

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