Chapters 2 & 3 consist of letters that Jesus dictates to John to be sent to seven churches in Asia Minor, or modern day Turkey.
In these letters Jesus has positive things to say about most of the churches He addresses, things for which He can commend them. But most of them also have glaring problems. Jesus diagnoses the problems and prescribes the solutions for each individual congregation. He calls them to repentance and promises an eternal blessing to "the one who overcomes."
As I read the letter to the church in Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6), I recognized characteristics of a church in need of revitalization. The church needed to rediscover its mission to its community.
The characteristics that marked the church in Sardis included:
- Being near the end of its Life Cycle (“You have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.”)
- Not doing all that it could be doing in mission (“I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God.”)
- Needing to recall its mission and repent of its complacency (“Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent.”)
I say that I have been privileged because revitalization ministry is exciting and, dare I say, even fun! That doesn't mean that it's easy, but anything worth doing well is rarely easy.
My best memories of ministry have come as a result of watching a church change from an inward to an outward focus and from being survival-minded to being mission-minded.
I have witnessed God's Spirit at work to move people beyond their comfort zones into ministry and mission that they never thought they could do.
I have watched men and women light up with a passion for discipleship when they see Jesus' work being done through them.
I you feel like you are in a Sardis situation, in need of personal or congregational revitalization, don't despair. Jesus first calls you to repentance for your complacency and urges you to remember the depths of His grace that you have received. Recalling that grace will lead you to grateful service and mission for others.
He also promises to His faithful disciple, "I will never blot out [your] name from the book of life but will acknowledge [your] name before my Father and his angels" (Revelation 3:5). You can be assured that you belong to Jesus, and that confidence can liberate you to try new things and dare to step outside of your comfort zones.